when i first started in entrepreneurship, i didn’t know what i was doing. i had no experience.
i had previously worked for free at a non-profit after college and then nannied on the side for $10/hour. eventually, i started working in the HR department for a community college making $15/hr.
the extra $5 felt like a lot. but, still, i found myself scrounging around to make rent, pay bills, and then feed myself. (i ate a lot of taco bell and little ceasers $5 pizza during this period of my life lol that’s all i could afford)
needless to say, it felt like making money was hard at the time.
i had to hustle for every dollar. i exchanged my time for money, and making $100 in one day felt significant.
after one too many meals at taco bell, i remember sitting at starbucks writing in my journal— “God, you promised i would eat the best of the land… and, here i am eating taco bell every night.”
i was tired of barely making it.
i was tired of exchanging my time for money.
i was tired of feeling like my bank account was always empty.
i was tired of feeling like i couldn’t get ahead.
and, yes, i was tired of eating taco bell.
fast forward, we’re here— in 2023— where making money feels easy now.
the difference: i started making passive income.
i’m not working longer or more arduous hours; rather— i’m working smarter. i’m not exchanging my time for money, i’m exchanging my ideas and creations for money—which means the pay off is greater.
i do the work once to create a product and sell it as a digital product online over and over again. as a result, a couple of hours of work to create a product can result in thousands of dollars over time.
i wish that in those early days, someone had told me there was an easier way to make money than exchanging my time and energy for dollars. (i probably would have at healthier… lol among many things!)
the point is—
maybe, right now, you feel like i did…
making money feels hard.
listen, there’s a path forward.
you don’t have to keep living this life of “not enough”. you’re allowed to choose a different path. you’re allowed to determine what happens next in your finances. you don’t have to wait until you get a new job or a raise to make more money. you can start now. you can start with passive income.
in 2018, i went out on a limb and started creating digital products that i could sell online to photographers & creative entrepreneurs— i didn’t know if i my wild idea would work, but i had hope and determination.
today, i serve thousands of creatives worldwide with my digital products. i wake up in the mornings to sales notifications and money being deposited into my bank account.
i can make money anywhere in the world no matter what i’m doing. so, yes, passive income makes it easy to make money.
it’s as simple as following through with your idea and making it available online for other people to buy.
i want you to imagine…
what would it feel like to wake up in the morning and see sales notifications coming through and $300 being deposited into your account everyday?
it’d feel good— right?!
i mean, i can tell you from personal experience it feels reaaaaal good to know money is always coming in.
so, here’s my question: what is stopping you from stepping out and creating passive income? what’s stopping you from changing the direction of your financial future? what is stopping you from making more money?
i wrote a passive income guide that breaks down everything i know, have learned, and do daily to make passive income products that meet a need and sell. in the guide, i provide the guidance and tools you need to ideate and develop your product. then, i show you how to launch and market your idea so you can start making money THIS MONTH!
if you’re ready to change your financial future and start making more money, i challenge you to take action and create passive income.
this guide shows you how to do it—
so, there’s no more excuses.
don’t stand in your own way.
anyone is capable of making more money through passive income, and that includes you! so, take a chance on yourself— you’re worth betting on.
you can get the passive income guide here.
xx lindsey eryn
Lindsey Eryn is a psych major turned multi-disciplinary creative, entrepreneur, writer, designer, speaker, and political & cultural commentator. She’s passionate about using her voice to ignite a fire within others, encouraging them to live, create, and contribute something meaningful to the world. Lindsey believes we’re all created to create, and her mission is to provide you with the tools and inspiration to do just that.
i love being
let's keep the revolution inside of you alive
come say hi @lindseyeryn